Peking Day 2
Der Rest der Gruppe fährt mir ihrem Guide weiter | so verbringen wir noch einen zweiten Tag mit unserem Guide in Peking | wir besichtigten den Sommerpalast der Kaiserin Cixi, was sehr schön war | Schade war aber, dass alles voller Smog ist | sie hat eine riesiges Areal mit schönen Gebäuden, einem riesigen See und Parks erbauen lassen | außerdem waren wir noch an einer Universität | dort haben wir mega günstig und super lecker zu Mittag gegessen
The other part of the group goes on with their guide | and we stay another day in Peking | we visit the summer palace of empress "Cixi" | it was beautiful although there was a lot of smog | she did bulit a big area full buildings, lakes and parks | after that we went to the University, where we ate very cheap at the canteen
The other part of the group goes on with their guide | and we stay another day in Peking | we visit the summer palace of empress "Cixi" | it was beautiful although there was a lot of smog | she did bulit a big area full buildings, lakes and parks | after that we went to the University, where we ate very cheap at the canteen
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